Friday, April 4, 2014

mish mash

Our house has been full of sickies the past few weeks. Abby and I both had a cold the week before last. Her cough was bad enough that she sometimes had trouble catching her breath, which scared her and her mommy. Then last week Robert came down with the stomach flu and stayed home from work a couple of days. I felt so relieved that I didn't catch it from him -- until 4 days later when it hit me, too. I think we're all finally on the mend and thank goodness we got Abby a flu shot this year. I can't imagine a little one going through that awful flu.

My phone has been running slow from some videos I've needed to post and delete. Since we haven't been doing anything particularly fun recently, I'll catch you up on some oldies but goodies.

Abigail has learned how to swipe! We're amazed that 1 year olds can be so tech savvy. She loves going through the pictures on Robert's phone, especially the pictures of kitty cats and babies. I don't think she realizes she is the baby!

We followed ice skating during the Olympics and Abby seemed to enjoy it, too. She would hear the music and see the skaters spinning and then twirl and twirl, herself. 

When my mother-in-law was here we had barbecue chicken at Kojak's one night. Abby learned how to dip her food into sauce -- and she hasn't looked back!

Oh, and I did get one cute picture from Betty's visit.

We had high hopes for our Wichita Shockers during the basketball tournament this year but, sadly, they did not "Play Angry." Abby wishes they had!

I'll end this post with a collection of Abby's recent dress up pictures. She still loves mommy's high heels.

Then the other morning she surprised me when she disappeared into our room, got into the laundry basket, and put on Robert's Arrested Development shirt. (There's always money in the banana stand!)

Daddy's shoes are still a hit, too.

We'll try to do something fun soon so that there is more to write about. Until then, we hope all of our readers are staying healthy and well!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I'm proud of her food-dipping skills -- 'atta girl! And I never remember my dress-up clothes being so stylish. :) When is she old enough to start watching Arrested Development? I'm sure Robert's got a countdown going. haha She's so precious.
