Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ft. Walton Beach Trip

The past 3 weeks have been a little crazy. Robert's mom, Betty, flew into town on February 26th to spend a week and a half with us. She graciously agreed to watch Abigail while I spent a week in rehearsals and concerts with the Florida Orchestra. Betty is the best and I feel terrible that I didn't get any pictures of her with Abby. We had a fun time together: we went to the zoo, Robert and Betty took Abby to the beach, we ate at Datz a few times, and she joined us at Abby's "Tumble Tots" and "Music Together" classes. Abby loved spending time with her Grandma. I promise to take extra pictures when Betty and Stan return to Florida later this year!

The same day Betty flew home to Wichita, my parents flew in from Kansas City. Then a few days after that, my mom, dad, Abby and I made the trek north to visit Bethany and her family in Ft. Walton Beach. Bethany is due with baby #3 and we wanted to help her get a few things ready. We were also able to celebrate Clay's 2nd birthday with him on Pi Day. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.

Here's Clayton on his birthday morning. He is the sweetest little boy. You can tell just by looking at his face, can't you? 

I had to document the birthday pancake tradition, of course.

Cousins! Look at all of those blonde curls!

My mom and sister needed to get some things ready for the party, so my dad and I took the kids to the park. Cadence loves her red boots!

Abby & Clay gave each other the best hugs.

Cadence wasn't sure about the kisses, though.

Years ago, my mom made my sister a carousel cake for one of her earliest birthdays. We still had the cookbook so my sister made the same one for Clay's circus themed party. He thought it was pretty great.

And wanted to get closer...

...and closer.

Happy birthday, sweet boy!

A happy family of 4...soon to be 5!

The next morning, we said our goodbyes and had a neighbor take a quick photo as proof that we were all together.

We let Abby run around a little to get out some wiggles before the 7 hour drive back.

Those legs of hers!!

Baby no more, that's for sure.

Abby & Clay had one last hug.

And Cadence joined in on the love!

This time with my family meant so much to me and I'm determined that -- no matter how far apart we live from each other -- we will continue to get our families together so that the cousins can really know and love each other. I will cherish these memories of our little ones, always.

1 comment:

  1. So fun! These are great pics, Bobster! I love the birthday cake and the clump of blonde curls in that last pic. Hard to believe Abby won't be the baby anymore!! (Not only from the cousin on the way, but those long legs are giving her toddler status away.)
