Tuesday, October 13, 2015

3 year interview

And then she was 3!

I found myself getting a little teary-eyed on the eve of Abby's birthday this year. No matter how many times you hear people comment on how quickly kids grow up, it doesn't pull on your heartstrings quite the same until you're watching your own. Slow down, time. As I checked in on Abby before going to bed I tried to memorize everything I could: her sweet face and the soft pink glow from her new Ikea lamp. When, exactly, did her baby cheeks disappear? Her left hand was clutched tightly around her tiny stuffed kitty and she had Daisy Duck tucked under her arm. Her toddler bed suddenly seemed so small. When did she get that tall?

I prayed for her. I prayed for God's protection over her. For her safety and health. I asked for help being her mom. I prayed for her to know Jesus and to love Him to pieces and for her to live a life overflowing with joy and love. Of course anyone who knows Abby knows she is already filled with joy. If I had to describe her with one adjective, I think it would be joyful. She is such a joyful little girl.

This was the first year Abby was excited about her birthday weeks ahead of time. She was excited about the rainbow cake I pinned on Pinterest. She had fun talking about which friends she wanted to invite to her art party at the park. She let out little squeals of excitement as we started counting down the days to her big day. When we asked her what she wanted for a present she requested pink flowers. Robert left a vase with 3 Gerbera daisies on her dresser for her to find first thing when she woke up.

I thought it would be fun to document our now 3 year old with a little interview so on the way to the beach I asked her the following questions:

Abby, what's your favorite animal? Tigers
Favorite color? Pink

Favorite toy? Stuffed animals Minnie and Daisy (My answer would be her reusable Melissa and Doug sticker girls that are constantly spilled out all over the floor.)
Favorite TV show? Curious George (Daniel Tiger is a close second)

Favorite song? The Animal Boogie
Favorite book? I Took the Moon for a Walk or Starlight Sailor (not long ago the answer would have been Goodnight Moon and Goodnight, Gorilla which Robert read to her every single night for nearly two years.)

Favorite fruit: Strawberries
Favorite food: Mac and noodles 
What food do you not like? Squirty 'matoes (tomatoes)

Who is your best friend? Emma
What do you want to be when you grow up? Cinderella
What instrument do you want to play? Drums (oh boy...)

What's one thing you can do really well? Puzzles
What makes you happy? Playing with my (stuffed) animals

What's your favorite ride at Disney? The carousel and It's a Small World
Who's your favorite Disney princess? Cinderella

Where is your favorite place to go? Target 
What word would you use to describe mommy? Hugs 
And Daddy? Kisses

Abigail Grace, we love you to the moon and back. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives and the lives of all who know you. Happy THIRD birthday, beautiful girl!

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