Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Twinkle Toe Twos

Abby was so excited yesterday she could barely stand it. She couldn't settle down to take a nap, even after playing with the BSF leaders' kids for 3 hours in the morning while we had our first meeting of the year. What was she so excited about? 

1. She had her first ballet class.
2. Grandma's flight arrived shortly after.

I signed Abby up for a Twinkle Toe Twos class at Miss Lisa's Dance Studio. I considered putting her in a class with 3 year olds since she's so tall, but decided in the end to keep her with her best friend Emma.

One happy, happy girl.

Emma and Abby are inseparable these days.

They made sure to stand next to each other the entire class, even if it required nudging another little girl out of the way. (!!)

All of the parents were allowed to observe the class this week so that the girls felt more comfortable, but next week we're supposed to drop them off and slip away. I think both Abby and Emma will do fine. There were two little girls who were more shy and never joined the class, but they watched everything very closely.

Brandi (Emma's mom) and I observed how our girls both seem to want to please the teacher, Miss Ashley. They usually placed themselves near her and they made sure to follow instructions very closely. I was the same way when I was little, too. Ha, who am I kidding...I'm still that way!

I was impressed with Miss Ashley's enthusiasm and instruction. She talked about colors and numbers and they practiced moving their bodies in different ways. Each girl took a turn learning how to skip and jump. Here's Emma.

Miss Ashley also incorporated quite a few French ballet terms in a fun way. She made the comment that this was the most attentive and well behaved two year old class she's ever worked with. Just look at those sweet faces -- they're listening so closely to their teacher. 

I think a ballet class of tiny toddlers may have been one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I so love having a little girl! 


  1. Too cute! Reminds me of my early ballerina days. Big day for her!

    1. Aww, I didn't know you took ballet. I need to see pictures sometime!
