Thursday, September 3, 2015

back to school

Abby is back to school! We loved Abby's preschool last year but had to switch to a new one that allowed her to attend on Monday and Thursday mornings. She's been excited about going back and walked in with complete confidence this morning.

Little girl, big kitty backpack.

I asked Abby's teacher, Miss Camille, if she would take a quick photo with Abby and two of the boys from the class decided to join them. There are 6 or 7 kids in Miss Camille's classroom each day and all are boys except for Abby and Addy (Addison). I thought the girls' names would be confusing so Abby marched up to Miss Camille and announced "you can call me Abigail."

I teach horn lessons at Rampello Middle School on Thursday mornings while Abby is at preschool. When I picked her up today they said she'd had a great day. She was hungry and asked for a snack before we even made it to the car. The kids are allowed to bring a "lovey" or stuffed animal in their backpack and Abby wanted to take Maisy Mouse this morning. I don't think she needed Maisy during the day but we decided she needed a little fresh air.

Happy first day of preschool to my happy little girl!

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