Thursday, September 24, 2015

Disney with Grandma & Tati

While my mother-in-law Betty was in town, we decided to spend a Friday morning at Magic Kingdom. Stan and Betty spent a couple of days at Disney with us back in May, but the crowds were crazy then and it was sooooo hot. September is apparently a good time to go because it seemed practically empty in comparison and there was even a hint of a cool breeze. Or maybe it was just the fall decorations playing with my head?

We set a new record for rides and character greetings during our 5 hour visit: 8! We began with "Enchanted Tales with Belle." Robert had taken Abby once before on a daddy/daughter date, but this one was new to me and it was so much fun! The talking wardrobe began telling the story.

Different roles were assigned and Betty got to play the wardrobe!

Here's the Beast's library. Robert was a knight.

Here's Belle! Lumiere talked and moved, too.

This little boy who played the Beast was pretty precious.

Belle gave Abby a bookmark.

Belle and Betty.

Belle and her knights!

So fun! After Belle we went on Peter Pan's Flight, a new ride for everyone.

Our ships soared over moonlit London and through Never Land.

After that we breezed through a non-existent line for "It's a Small World." I know this ride is for the littlest of kids but we still love it every time. I always see something new and fun.

After that it was time for our FastPass to meet Ariel. Another first.

These are the most awkward photos ever!

Is Abby trying to figure out her costume?! I think she had doubts that this was the real Ariel. Oh, and I've failed to mentioned that our friend Tati met up with us at the park. Tati works with Robert and has become a dear friend to our entire family. If any word could describe her, it would have to be fun. Tati is always setting up events and bowling alleys, breweries, you name it. She is a big kid at heart and loves Disney more than anyone I know.

Alright, enough of that awkwardness. Abby must have been feeling particularly brave because for our 5th stop, she decided she was ready to ride Dumbo. We've watched this ride a few times but she's never agreed to get on.

I love this fun photo Tati took with her phone!

You can't tell from this picture, but I promise Abby had plenty of smiles.

Stop #6: we breezed through the line for the teacups.

Abby has always refused to ride the carousel in the past, too. Silly, I know. But not today! In fact, she insisted on riding the carousel not once, but twice.

I think this is Robert's Prince Charming look?!

For our 8th and final stop of the day, we went on the Jungle Cruise for the first time. I guess it's one of the oldest rides in the park and our tour guide told the corniest jokes. It was fun but we might not do it again. On our way out, Grandma bought Abby a Daisy doll and she's been sleeping with her every night since. Thanks for a fun Disney day, Grandma & Tati!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Aquarium with Grandma

Happy 200th blog post, Z Chronicles! Can you believe it? 

As usual, I have a little catching up to do. My mother-in-law, Betty, flew back to Wichita this morning. She stayed with us a little over a week. We had another a great visit with her -- Abby loves her grandma so much.

Last Wednesday we took Betty to the Florida Aquarium. I love "Swaptember" when zoo members get free admission. We usually try to squeeze in 2 or 3 visits. 

These fish kept swimming right up to the edge of the glass while Abby leaned in to get a closer look. They'd splash water out of the tank and she would squeal with surprise.

Lemurs! I love their long striped tails. I think it's a little strange that they have a Madagascar exhibit in the middle of an aquarium. Abby is NOT a fan of the hissing cockroaches in that area and I don't blame her one bit.

We'll stick with the cute furry animals. 

'Night, 'night little lemurs.

How about this giant guy? Abby thought he looked like the pout-pout fish.

No hesitation in touching the sea anemone.

She also touched a spiky sea cucumber.

Some sea creatures are creepy looking, right? I don't like this guy's mouth.

Flashback: remember when Abby was only 5 months old and this little?

Now look at my little monkey.

Seriously, see creatures are creepy.


Like all good Florida establishments, the aquarium has a great splash pad outside.

It was lunchtime so we decided to walk a few blocks to the Columbia Cafe, a smaller version of the Columbia restaurant -- Spanish food -- the we love in Ybor City. This little cafe is tucked into the lobby of the the Tampa Bay History Center.

Betty stayed with the classics and ordered a Cuban sandwich and the famous "1905" salad. 

I did, too, and ordered the salad with black beans and rice.

I couldn't talk Abby into rice once she heard "mac and noodles" was an option.

I have a round of pictures to post from Disney next. Abby finally found her sense of adventure and rode both the carousel and Dumbo. The summer crowds are gone so the number of rides we had time for set a new record: 8!