Saturday, August 1, 2015

12 Years

There are moments of life when you know that you are making a decision that will profoundly change everything. Accepting a college or job offer, or buying a house comes to mind. But there are other times, quieter moments when you merely react or make a simple choice and in that instant you are following a path that leads you where you could never imagine.

Twelve years ago today I married my best friend and now the mother of my daughter. The path I walked to that day began at Ingalls Elementary School in fifth grade. One day, I cannot even precisely pinpoint which, in music class we chose the instruments that we wanted to play. It was cloudy outside that day and it must have been cold outside because I was wearing a sweater. I was interested in playing the bassoon but they did not have one that day. So I chose the French Horn. There was no pretension, I did not weigh my options,and no second thought. That decision lead me to choose the university that I would attend, my major and who was around me.

When I see my beautiful wife and my amazing daughter I cannot believe how luck, fortunate, privileged, blessed I was to make that decision as a boy. No one knows Bobbie like I do, and every day that I am with her is a great day. Her love and faith is the core of this family. I cannot begin to tell you how she has made me better in every way imaginable. She is an amazing mother and you should see Abby's face when mommy comes home - pure joy.

My love for her is boundless but my ability to communicate that, whether on our anniversary or just a random day, is underwhelming - proving my point. Stated as simply as possible: I love you, Bobbie. Completely. Every single moment of every day. The best choice I ever made is the one that led me to you.

Happy Anniversary, Bobster.

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