Friday, June 5, 2015

Hello, Summer

I couldn't be any happier that...

Yeah!!! I taught my last horn lessons for the year at Rampello Middle School on Tuesday. I began teaching at Rampello pretty soon after we moved to Tampa and I can't believe my first RMS student will be a senior in high school this fall. Rampello is a very special place and I give all the credit to the band director, Mr. Donnie Hero. Donnie runs a phenomenal music program with 2 jazz bands, 3 concert bands, an orchestra and even a steel drum band. Goodbyes were a little bittersweet this year because Donnie's wife is taking a job in Tennessee, so I'm not sure how lessons will work next year with someone new running the program.

Rampello is an arts magnet school in the middle of downtown Tampa.

Here are my 7th and 8th grade students this year.

And here's the strongest group of beginner students (6th grade) I've ever had.

I missed getting a picture of Kat who is my other 7th grader this year. 

I've decided that teaching is a lot like parenting in that it often seems like you end up learning more from your students (or son/daughter) than they learn from you. The students who have walked into this band room have taught me so much over the past 5 years. I think, primarily, they've helped me become more thoughtful as a teacher. I've learned the importance of gaining an understanding of how each student "ticks" so that I can adjust the way I communicate with them and know how little or how much I can push them and challenge them. I've learned to ask more questions about what they like and don't like -- which school subjects are they good at? -- which subjects do they not like as much? so that we can connect that to how we discuss the music in a more personalized way. I've learned that it's important to ask how things are at home for them and how they're doing with their friends. I remember how awkward those middle school years were for me and often these kids just need someone to really listen to them.

You'd think there wouldn't be any time left for playing the horn after all of that, right?! I guess I'm learning that you have to slowly build up to that level of trust. Listen a little here and a little there and in time they feel comfortable coming to you with the more important questions and conversations. I think these are good lessons to learn as Abby is growing up.

I've witnessed with these students how music teaches true determination and discipline. I love seeing my students' faces light up when they receive a Superior rating on their solo at contest (and they all did this year!) after months of work. I've watched them create plans for improvement, set goals, and tackle challenges. So even if they pack up the horn in high school or in college, I know that the lessons they learned and the confidence they gained in playing an instrument is hands down worth it.

Whew! Not sure where all of that came from. I do feel grateful to have the opportunity to work with these kids and I've been surprised by how much I've grown to truly love teaching.

Back to this blog post: summer is here! Abby started swimming lessons on Monday. She was a little scared and upset the first few times in the water so I was fully focused on her and kept my camera packed away. I'm sure I'll get some good pictures in time since lessons go through the end of July and surely she'll get more comfortable by then. (Or not, if she takes after me...)

Abby's bff Emma is at swim lessons with her on Wednesdays and after this week's lesson we decided to check out the new Water Works Park. How fun is this?

There are a lot of things to spin on, so Abby was a happy little girl.

I already saw progress from her swim lessons because she is usually a little tentative at water parks, but she was running through the big bucket dumps of water and squealing with delight. Wet hair and water on her face. Success!

Yesterday while shopping at Target I bought some clearance oyster crackers and Abby had a blast feeding the ducks at the pond next to the parking lot. Who needs a special trip to a petting zoo? Target is seriously the best place ever.

The baby ducks had grown since we last saw them.

This morning before heading to the children's museum, we met up with Emma in honor of National Donut Day. The girls were completely uncooperative so this picture is the best I could do. Little girls and sprinkles, always. What is it with that?!

The children's museum is always pure madness. It's completely overstimulating with so much to do and see and there are usually too many kids running around. But it was definitely fun to take Abby now that she's a little older and can enjoy more of the activities. 

The girls did a little grocery shopping.

Then they played vet.

We learned about he human body.

Abby was quick to point out the wrist x-ray, just like her own.

Later she lined up the lungs x-ray with the pelvic bone x-ray and a dad standing next to me commented that she has a radiology degree in her future.

The firetruck is a coveted spot resulting in many tantrums when turns are over.

There's a sports area where you can "race" lit up turtles, rabbits and birds.

I told Abby we had 5 minutes left and she could pick one more thing to do. Her choice? The dance floor. I really need to get this little girl signed up for dance lessons.

I think we've had a successful first week of summer. I'm already counting down the days until my parents' arrival: 20! We'll spend a few days at one of my favorite places -- Sanibel Island -- and then my mom will join us on our long drive to Mississippi to visit Bethany and her family. Beyond that, we're looking forward to lazy summer days.

1 comment:

  1. Love those girls and their sprinkle doughnuts! And what sweet thoughts on teaching. Those kids are so lucky to have you on their side. Yay for summer and Abby's adventures!
