Sunday, March 8, 2015

Picnic in the Park

It's a warm and sunny Sunday here in Tampa today. What could be better than a Victorian picnic in the park? We picked up an Italian sub and a bag of Sun Chips from Publix after church this morning and then headed to the University of Tampa to check it out.

This is Abby's new "cheeeese!" expression.

Such a goofball!

Long, dark eyelashes for days...

She was pretty happy about the free ice-cream.

UT is right in the middle of downtown Tampa.

Abby's glowing poof of hair.

Kisses from daddy.

They had game stations set up with chess, checkers, jacks, tiddlywinks and dominoes. Then there were field games of croquet, badminton...

...and hoops & sticks! Robert was surprisingly talented.

Abby enjoyed smacking the hoop with the stick.

I love the Moorish architecture of the Plant Museum.

I thought Abby would be excited to hear the barbershop quartet but she started crying and saying, "no, no no!" It was time to head home for her nap. 

I'm still a little behind and have a few more posts to catch up on. Stay tuned for pictures from the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon as well as a tearful goodbye post to our sweet kitty, Nadia. :(

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