Sunday, March 29, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

Remember last year's petting zoo and Easter egg hunt hosted by our church? 


Abby has grown so much this past year!


Oh yeah...she has a cast on her arm this year, too. I'm still a little behind with my posts but I will write about her broken wrist soon. Don't worry, it hasn't slowed her down a bit.

This is what we get now when we say, "smile, Abby!" The classic little kid pained smile expression.


This photo catches me surprise because it's an expression I don't think I've ever seen before. Isn't that strange? She looks like such a big girl.

Here's the Abby I recognize. She has signatures and drawings on her cast from mommy, daddy, our friend Tati and her preschool teachers Miss Crystal and Miss Ashley. 

I love this stare down with the duck. Abby was a little unsure about the animals and we stayed outside the fence for a good 10 minutes before she decided she was ready to go in. Of all the animals, the ducks were the ones that seemed to intimidate her the most. Maybe it's their height? 

Bunny love. These sweet animals were so tolerant. The little fenced in area was filled with at least a dozen kids at a time who were picking them up, hugging them, and lugging them around. 

Abby was quite brave with the chickens. She really wanted to hold this one.

This is Abby's friend Kate and her mom, Ashley. Abby loves seeing Kate in her BSF class every Wednesday and I've enjoyed getting to know Ashley in our weekly leader's meetings.

It's fun having these yearly traditions to mark the time and Abby's growth. We're so grateful for our church and the sweet friendships that are being formed here!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hiking with Friends

Abby and I returned to Upper Tampa Bay Park this morning to meet up with friends Alberto and Kiara. We got there first and Abby had a blast playing on the playground while we waited for them to arrive.

Cutie pie!

When did she get so big?

Back to the chipmunk.

Kiara is usually all smiles but her mom said she hadn't slept great the night before.

 Alberto and Abby checking out the snakes.

Such a boy...Alberto smashed the turtle shell into pieces.

We "hiked" the Otter Trail this time. It warned of water moccasins and panthers! :/

Love you, pumpkin!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Picnic in the Park

It's a warm and sunny Sunday here in Tampa today. What could be better than a Victorian picnic in the park? We picked up an Italian sub and a bag of Sun Chips from Publix after church this morning and then headed to the University of Tampa to check it out.

This is Abby's new "cheeeese!" expression.

Such a goofball!

Long, dark eyelashes for days...

She was pretty happy about the free ice-cream.

UT is right in the middle of downtown Tampa.

Abby's glowing poof of hair.

Kisses from daddy.

They had game stations set up with chess, checkers, jacks, tiddlywinks and dominoes. Then there were field games of croquet, badminton...

...and hoops & sticks! Robert was surprisingly talented.

Abby enjoyed smacking the hoop with the stick.

I love the Moorish architecture of the Plant Museum.

I thought Abby would be excited to hear the barbershop quartet but she started crying and saying, "no, no no!" It was time to head home for her nap. 

I'm still a little behind and have a few more posts to catch up on. Stay tuned for pictures from the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon as well as a tearful goodbye post to our sweet kitty, Nadia. :(