Friday, November 8, 2013

this & that

Since starting our Music Together classes back in September, it seems like Abigail has been responding more to music. I love her silly little dance moves! She usually spins in circles until she gets dizzy and falls down. I wish I had recorded this video 2 seconds longer because she looked up at me with a big smile on her face.

This is one of my new favorite photos. Our little sweetheart has been falling asleep while looking at her books! 

This morning some of my middle school students were performing a Veteran's Day concert downtown. I decided to take Abby out so that we could enjoy the music and the 70 degree weather. Abby enjoyed hearing bagpipes for the first time and she walked around the crowd for a good 45 minutes, introducing herself to various armed service members and veterans. Sorry about the flagpole in the middle of the photo, but that was our view. 

Abby is a very friendly little girl and at our play groups or during our Music Together classes she will often pick out another mom and plop into her lap. For proof, here she is making herself comfortable with a mom we had just met at the concert this morning. Oh munchkin, what am I going to do with you?!

1 comment:

  1. Shake it, Abby! Haha. Crazy that she hads no concept of Stranger Danger, too. Such a happy, loving girl.
