Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Abigail and I have been two sickies the past few days. Robert has apparently been referring to us as "typhoid Mary and the outbreak monkey" at work. I feel very fortunate that Abby made it this long without getting sick. She was just one week shy of one year! Beginning Sunday afternoon (me) and then Sunday evening (Abby) we both had fevers of 101 along with chills and aches. At least I assume Abby had the same chills and aches I experienced? I wish she could tell me! She was a trooper, though, and only woke up once during each of the past two nights. She remained her usual happy self most of the time. We're both feeling better today so I'm glad this seems to be a quick bug.

This might be a bit personal to post, but the pictures I captured are too funny not to share. I have been decreasing the number of times Abby nurses during the day and we're down to three times/day. I dropped the afternoon 3:30 time a few weeks ago. Well, when 3:30 rolled around the past few days what did I see?

Yep, that's Abby dragging the Boppy (aka breastfeeding pillow) off the chair -- it's a pretty heavy pillow, too! -- and dropping it right in front of me like, "ok mommy, feed me now." The message could not have been any more clear and I couldn't say no to my sick little girl.

We also made a quick trip to the Florida Aquarium on Sunday. In retrospect I feel terrible for taking Abby out when she was sick, but at that point we didn't know because she wasn't showing any symptoms. Robert had never been to the aquarium and we wanted to squeeze it in over the weekend because due to the government shutdown, government employees were given free admission. Robert really enjoyed seeing Abby squeal with delight at all the fish. Now that she's learned how to walk, we didn't have to mess with the big stroller and it was fun seeing her totter around all of the tanks.

How adorable is it that Robert dressed her in an outfit with little fish?

You can touch the rays in this tank. I wasn't brave enough but Robert said they were super soft.

Here's to feeling back to 100% soon. We have a birthday party on Sunday! And an entire house to disinfect... 

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