Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Redux

Oh what a difference a year makes!



There's a little pumpkin patch at a Methodist church just down the street and Robert and I decided it'd be fun to revisit it this afternoon. Last year Robert's mom was in town when we took a 2 week old Abigail to see the pumpkins. I remember being (unnecessarily) concerned about the light breeze that was blowing on her. I also remember feeling very overwhelmed as a new mom. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing at all. I wish I could pop in and visit myself back then to say something encouraging. "You're doing great! Everything is going to be fine! Your little baby girl is strong and sweet and wonderful! She's going to make this mom thing a piece of cake for you."

She really has made my job easy. Thanks for that, Absters.

On the go!

Laughing at the scarecrow.

No smiles for me today, baby girl?


In other news, this is the first time I've set my camera to MANUAL to take photographs! It felt a little slow and clunky at times and there were many disappointing blurry photos that I had to delete, but I'm learning and hopefully I will get better and faster. Robert stayed home with Abby the Saturday before last so that I could attend a 4 hour photography class that ended up being really inspiring. Thanks, sweetie! He's been great about supporting some of my projects lately. I recently completed a 5 week intermediate swim class at the Y, as well. I've wanted to feel more competent and confident in the water for years and what better time to learn than when we live in Florida and I have a new little one to keep safe? I also attended a grant writing workshop last month that got all kinds of ideas churning. As crazy as it might sound, it was so nice to listen to a lecture and watch the PowerPoint presentation while taking notes and sipping a Starbucks latte. It's the little things, right?!

We have another baby Halloween gathering with our playgroup on Thursday. Then it's November, which marks my official start of the holiday season -- my favorite time of the year!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Baby Halloween Party

Today's post will be short and sweet. Check out all of these adorable Halloween babies!

We had 2 Snow Whites, a ladybug, Pebbles, a Tough Mudder, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice in Wonderland, a pumpkin, Shrek, a monkey, and an elephant. (There is also a missing lion.)

Here are the babies with their mommies. While she looks a little unhappy in this picture, I promise Abigail had a lot of fun at the party!

And with their dads. I love it!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Last week -- I'm doing a terrible job of posting to this blog in a timely manner lately! -- Abigail and I went to the pumpkin patch with some friends from our play group. Hooray for Fall! Well, kind of. We do live in Florida after all.

 Happy Abigail!

She looks so big compared to the other babies, doesn't she?

Here is sweet little Juliet.

 And Axel.

Emma and her tutu!

And our sweet Abigail.

This might be my new favorite picture. Happy girls!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Daddy's Post for Abby's Birthday (Belated)

My little Abster,

Quite a year it has been. To think about how small and helpless you were in those first couple of days to the (big) little girl that you have grown into in the past year makes me worry if I can keep up with you. Walking up to the nursery in the hospital in those first couple of moments of your life I could hardly believe that you were finally here, because I have always loved you. I dreamed your name before you were born and when I finally got to be close to you, you grabbed my finger with your little-long fingers and melted my heart. Your name means "my father's joy," and for you my dear, it is the absolute truth. You are more than I could have imagined - goofy, loving, friendly, a little spicy, and so beautiful.

And now you are One. This previous year has been fun, but from how you have been acting lately, I can't wait for this next year. You have started to talk, granted you said "mama" and "kitty" before you said "daddy" but you spend much more time with them. I enjoy your hugs and sloppy kisses. The cats are learning to tolerate you more and you are rewarding them by chasing them about the house. I look forward to taking you to the beach and playing with Grandma and Grandpa (once they fix his leg) and hopefully you can meet some more of your family soon. Also, you need to see snow, 90 degrees in October is disgusting and wrong. I will do everything I can to introduce you to this amazing world in which we live and watch with love as you continue to grow.

Let's go!

I love you, little Abigail.


Friday, October 18, 2013

ONEderland: Happy Birthday, Abigail!

Happy birthday, Abigail Grace! My apologies to our blog readers for taking close to a week to complete this post. After Abby and I got over being sick, Robert followed next. :( So we're just a little behind with everything right now.

I'm going to leave the sentimental stuff to my bff, Marci Falvey. She put together this amazing video of Abby's first year.

Abigail Grace's First Year from Marci Falvey on Vimeo.

I'm so glad she included Kleenexes with the video because I had tears streaming down my face the entire time I watched it. Even Robert got a little misty eyed. Looking back at the past year, what really stands out to me is how much love surrounds our little girl. We have had so many sweet visits with family and friends these past 12 months. Grandparents who flew in to meet our new baby and spend time with us on Abby's 1st Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Friends right down the street who brought over casseroles or Panera those early what-did-we-just-get-ourselves-into?! weeks. Friends who flew in from all over the country and shared smiles. Family and friends who called and texted and emailed and encouraged us. My heart feels so very full and grateful.

It's also amazing to see how much Abby has grown and changed over the past year. She grew from an 8 lb. 10oz. teeny tiny baby to a 28 lb. 1 year old. (Her height really took off recently: she grew 3 more inches the past 3 months and is now 32.5'' tall! She was 21.5'' when born.) She seemed so small, fragile and even breakable when we first brought her home and now Robert lovingly refers to her as "our little beast." :) She really is one tough cookie. What's the most fun though? Watching her flip through the pages in her board books, intently studying all of the details. Having her wrap her arms around my neck and give me a hug when I go into her room in the morning. Getting wet, slobbery kisses. Hearing her giggle when our cat Cora comes nearby or a friend's dog licks her feet. Watching her turn around in circles and "dance" whenever music comes on. Slowing down and seeing the world through a child's perspective again: watching the ducks at the pond by Target and laughing at silly sounds like zerberts on my belly. Observing her processing things and learning right before my very eyes.

Would you like to take a peak at some pictures from her birthday? Here's our sweet little Alice Abigail in ONEderland. You'll see this dress again for Halloween. :)

I love the little tuft of hair that's sticking up!

We began her birthday with a tradition from my childhood: pancakes for breakfast. Our 1 year old had 1 pumpkin pancake!

Ok, time to dig in.

I was running behind the rest of the day before the party began at 3:00, so I called in our friend Tati for emergency help. She was a lifesaver! Here she is putting together my Pinterest inspired Rice Krispies deck of cards. I should have done a trial run because the frosting totally didn't work the way I needed it to. Ah well.

Pinterest fail!

At least the strawberry cake turned out right!

I made a banner with Abigail's monthly pictures.

And then the guests arrived! Abby was still sleeping when 3:00 rolled around. We opened her bedroom door, hoping that everyone's voices would wake her up. No such luck. At 3:20 I went in and rubbed her back and let her know that she was missing her own party. I should have known better -- she's always grumpy when her sleep gets disturbed. I took her into the living room where all of the guests were and she immediately started crying. Poor little girl! Eventually, she was happy as long as she stayed on mommy's lap for awhile. I think she was just overwhelmed with the amount of people who had invaded her space while she slept.

Kermit! Our friend Jay who lives around the corner picked out some fun gifts.

Abby loved the card from our doula, Cheryl. It had a peekaboo kitty cat. 

 Abby's littlest guests: Leahna & Maya.

Robert and I gave Abby her 1st teddy bear.

Abby thought our neighbor Kylie's hair was the best thing ever! 

Here's our doula, Cheryl.

And kisses for Josie. With an open mouth!

Our neighbor Kay fed Abby several tea sandwiches. She loved the chicken salad as well as the nutella + raspberry jam. She must have a sweet tooth like her mommy!

And then it was time for cake!

She had 1 skinny piece and was a very neat eater.

And then, sadly, the party was over.

Happy birthday, sweetheart!