Friday, September 6, 2013

bubble bearded baby

Miss Abigail is such a goofball during bath time. The silly girl leans forward and drinks the soapy water! It cracks us up because then she's left with a bubble beard like this:


I know you're jealous of our pink tub and pink tiled bathroom. ;)

Robert has been completely swamped at work lately and last week Abigail and I barely saw him at all. He put in almost 100 hours of work in just 1 week! It was hard on Robert to not get to see or hold Abby for several days straight...and I'll admit that I missed getting a little break every evening. Our family needed more slow mornings like this:

I just love the way Abby is clutching on to Robert's shirt. 

Abby has 2 new teeth (both upper laterals popped through) and she's working on her upper left cuspid. Poor little girl has been a drool-y mess but the teething has not affected her sleep any yet. How fortunate are we? We're continuing to introduce her to new foods and in my search for ideas I stumbled across the great website weelicious. Abby was a big fan of the Quinoa Banana Mash and I was happy to find a new way to give her some good protein.

Weelicious' Spinach Gnocchi was also a hit. Our friend Helenka made a batch for one of the baby play dates and Abby liked it so much that we ended up taking some home in a tupperware. I plan on giving the Mini Sweet Potato Muffins a try next. Hooray for good food!



    1. I saw just the title of the song and immediately closed the tab, ha!

  2. It all starts with bubble beards. Soon she'll be washing her face and pushing her eyebrows in the opposite direction. Just like us at KU. :) What a cutie. Glad Robert has had a break to enjoying his girls -- that's a beautiful pic of the two of them!

    1. Lol, the eyebrows! Thank goodness all of our antics were pre-facebook/instagram/etc. ;)
