Sunday, September 15, 2013

11 months (+ 2 days) old

We finally had a full weekend together as a family and it was wonderful! Yesterday I stopped by one of our favorite Tampa establishments, Cheese Please, and picked up a special treat for a Saturday date night with Robert. After Abby went to bed last night we watched the movie Argo and enjoyed our selection of French Bucherondin goat cheese, Pecorino with black truffles (!!), and a cheddar cheese from Georgia. It felt so indulgent, particularly when we paired the Bucherondin with the rum caramel sauce. Sounds strange, I know, but I promise it works. We also paired the cheddar with some pepper jelly we had previously purchased -- always a winning combination.

Argo was pretty great, too. Robert made the point that regardless of the fact that you know how the 1980 US hostage crisis in Iran turns out in the end, the movie still manages to keep you on the edge of your seat. 

Abby turned 11 months old on Friday and we finally got around to taking pictures this afternoon. Oh, Abigail. Why won't you cooperate with your mommy and wear the monthly stickers I bought for you? It used to be so easy when you were a little baby! Instead, I now have to resort to this:

Such a little cheeseball!

I love watching her look through her books. Her Baby's First Bible from Aunt Bethany is always a big hit.

Love these big smiles!

Our daily game of peekaboo.

Can you believe her birthday invitations are ordered? Just 1 month until we have a 1 year old -- how in the world?! We love you more every day, precious little girl.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! That sticker on her back is too funny! I love those little curls. Her Aunt Marci can help her with that. How young is too young for her first flat iron. KIDDING! Glad you guys had a nice date night. The cheeses look awesome and we also loved Argo. Can't wait to be there in LESS THAN A MONTH!!!
