Saturday, July 13, 2013

9 months old

Happy 9 months, Abigail! We had a busy day that began with Abby's 8:00am swim class at the Y. Then while Abby took her morning nap, Robert and I got the house ready for an Arbonne party and brunch. I'm part of a "Healthy Living" moms group and my new friend Stacey was the lone representative able to attend from the group. Then our friends Tati and Josie (with 4 month old baby Leahna!) from Robert's work also joined us. Robert was a good sport about it all and made a delicious Greek frittata with carmelized shallots, feta cheese and spinach. We also had banana bread, fruit salad with fresh mint, and a tasty caprese salad with cherry tomatoes and basil from our little container garden on the deck. Add in some mimosas thanks to Tati, and it was a perfect meal.

Alright, I know you're all here to see pictures of Abigail so I won't delay any longer. Enjoy the pink tutu! I couldn't resist because she's about to outgrow it.

She loves the sound it makes when she hits the blocks together.

Serious studying.

Celebrating. Yaaaaay!!!

The onesie in these photos is size 24 months! The Gerber brand must run small. Abigail does seem to have grown a lot this past month. She's been cruising along the edge of the sofa and coffee table and we've even seen her stand up several times without holding onto anything for a good 5 to 10 seconds. She'll be holding onto something with both hands -- usually a toy -- and doesn't realize she's standing on her own! She's also been having a lot of fun making "raspberry" sounds with her tongue. Her 9 month appointment is on Monday and we are looking forward to hearing the latest measurements. 

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!! She has grown so much! Glad to have your blog address again so I can check in. Thanks for the wonderful phone call, friend. It was good to talk to you! Hugs to you all!
