Sunday, July 28, 2013

Thai Food Festival

We had quite the food adventure this morning! My friend Helenka and her husband, Rami, started a Meetup group called "Exciting adventures don't have to end when you have kids!" and they come up with all kinds of fun activities to do with little ones.  I know Helenka from our baby play group and her daughter, Maya, is just 2 days older than Abby. Maya was born on 10/11/12 which is the memorable birthday Robert was hoping for once Abby missed her due date. *sigh* 

Back to the food. Every Sunday, foodies-in-the-know descend upon the Thai Buddhist Temple to eat the amazing meals that are prepared. Look at all of the gold! Isn't this place unique and beautiful?

We are sad we didn't know about this place before now. It was packed! It was a very hot day and Abby's little cheeks got very pink, but fortunately we found a table close to the river with an occasional cool breeze.

I know this doesn't look incredibly appetizing, but I promise it was delicious! They had run out of Pad Thai by the time we got through the line, so we had fried rice with each entree. They're all curries and I can't remember the exact names, but the top left is a pumpkin curry (Abby loved it!), the bottom left has potatoes and chicken and some type of peanut sauce, and the dish on the bottom right is a red curry. The veggie and pork rolls and sweet pastry were also a hit. 

Next time we will try some of the barbecued meat kabobs, spring rolls, and fresh salads. Then when it gets cooler outside, we're excited to try a big bowl of pho. 

Here are our friends Helenka, Rami and baby Maya. Maya eats anything and everything!

Our poor little fair skinned beauty was hot but she was a great sport and loved eating the fried rice and pumpkin curry.

Here's Maya going to town.

Come visit us, friends, and we will take you to the Thai Food Festival!

Mr. & Mrs. Gray

Robert and I attended a beautiful wedding last night in Port Orange, FL. Port Orange is just a little south of Daytona Beach on the east coast of the state. It was about a two and a half hour drive, which is the farthest I've ever been away from Abby. She and my mom had a fun time together at home and Abby took a bottle and went to bed without any problems at all. I appreciated my mom's text message updates throughout the afternoon and evening, which allowed us to have a nice night out as a couple. A rare treat these days!

Robert knows the bride, Josie, from work and she and I became friends more recently during our uncomfortable months of pregnancy. :) Josie and Ronnie's sweet little girl Leahna is 4 months old.

It looked like the sky was going to open up and rain would move the ceremony into the chapel, but fortunately it held off. Isn't this setting stunning?

Here's sleeping baby Leahna processing with Josie's mom. She is hidden in a big puff of tulle! 

Here comes the bride!

Everyone needs Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at their wedding, don't you think?

We spent most of the evening talking with this fun couple. Tati & Mike also work with Robert and we always enjoy spending time with them.

Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Gray! We wish you a lifetime of happiness together.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Along with her Saturday morning swim class at the Y, Abigail has been going to a Tiny Tots gymnastics class on Friday mornings the past 6 weeks. We signed her up for a second 6 week session that began today. Many thanks to my mom (who flew in on Tuesday!) for capturing these fun moments.

On the go! Crawling through the tunnel.

She really enjoys jumping on the trampoline.

Climbing up the ramp.

Made it!

 Going down the slide.

Cutie pie!

Here's Abby's little friend Morgan who we met at Baby Bungalow several months ago. Awhile back during one of the play groups, Abby planted her knee on his back and crawled right over him! His dad, Brent, didn't mind at all and said that Morgan needed to learn how to hold his own with the ladies. :)

  We end class with bubble time on the bright parachute.


What a fun morning!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

our little puppy dog

No, we didn't get another pet. I'm referring to Abigail and her new habit of carrying things around in her mouth. Socks. Toys. Washcloths. Here's a sample.

Today was Abby's last day of swim class at the Y. Apparently it was "dad's day" because all of the moms sat poolside while the dads got into the water with their babies.


We're having fun with the finger foods stage of eating. Here's Abby tonight with her dinner of strawberries, peas, turkey and cheese. She batted me away whenever I tried to help her. I can do it on my own, mommy! This grown up face makes me believe she can.