Sunday, January 13, 2013

3 months old

Our beautiful little girl is 3 months old today! Abigail is now grabbing onto things. A few favorites include the dangling monkey on her play mat as well as mommy's hair. :) She also has really strong legs and loves to stand up on our lap while we support her. Our favorite development, however, has to be her laugh. I would have imagined her to have a delicate, high pitched little girl laugh but's very deep and guttural. It's hilarious to observe and usually leads to laughing fits for the entire family.

As usual, Abby hammed it up for our photo shoot. 

Usually I'm behind the camera, so I'm very grateful to Robert for taking some photos of me with our little girl. These have become some of my favorite photos...ever!

By the way, this "little" girl is already wearing size 6 month clothes. I even put her in 9 month pj's tonight. I held her on the scale (so not entirely accurate) and she weighed almost 17 pounds. Up 3 pounds from last month!

Here's to the next 3 months!

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