Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer Swim

My friend Brandi heard about kids swim lessons with Greater Tampa Swim Association and for 8 weeks of Monday and Wednesday half hour lessons at just $25 total, we signed our girls up ASAP! Abby and Emma have improved quite a bit in the water these past 7 weeks.

Abby used to avoid getting her face wet, but now she's a bubble blowing pro. 

Go, Abby, go!

She made it!

Abby did really great with her lessons in June and then we had a week off. When we came back in July she started acting much more anxious in the water and she's remained that way ever since. I'm really wondering what caused the change. Whenever it's her turn and Coach Todd reaches out to her, she turns to me and whimpering a bit says "hug and kiss, momma!" That's our usual routine for when I drop her off at preschool or her classroom at church on Sundays, but I'm not sure why she needs the same reassurance before getting in the water every. single. time. I sit on the edge of the pool the entire lesson and she knows I'm not going anywhere. I encourage her to be a brave girl and to have fun! (Right...) Poor thing.

Here's Coach Todd giving her a pep talk.

"Oh, oh, Abby! Tears make it harder to swim."

Once she gets in the water she usually puts on a brave face and does fine.

Floating on her own!

Afterwards, it's all smiles. Lollipop time!

Today after lessons we took the girls to the "lion park."

Florida summers are about 6 months long -- I count May through October -- and already I find myself prematurely thinking about fall. These "real feel" days of 107 are brutal. I'm thankful for all of these great splash pads that keep us cool!

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