Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break Trip Part 1: Wichita

We have been loooong overdue for a trip home to Kansas City and Wichita. Abby and I traveled to Kansas City when she was 9 months old (almost 3 years ago!) and she has never been to Wichita. We decided it was time to make things right. 

We flew into Kansas City and then made the 3 hour drive to Wichita the following morning. Our first stop was the Nifty Nut House and I am kicking myself because I took pictures on my mom's camera but forgot to upload them to my computer. I'll have to add them later so that you can see all of the delicious mountains of chocolates and candy.

The next morning we met Michael, Cindy and Marisa at the zoo. Midwest weather is always unpredictable and as expected, temperatures during our trip ranged from 20-70 degrees. We dug our unused sweaters and coats out of storage, though we had to twist Abby's arm to wear a coat. She insisted it wasn't cold.

Poor cold flamingos.

We warmed up in the steamy rainforest. Ah, familiar humidity!

Abby met her cousin Marisa for the first time and the girls hit it off right away. Abby loves "big girls" and Marisa was sweet to play with her and let her follow her around.

My cute little bear.

Tigers are Abby's favorite animals and she was ecstatic to be mere inches away from this beautiful animal. I'm sure the tiger was thinking Abby would make a tasty lunch.

Our little girl loves her Grandma Betty so very much.

Speaking of Betty, I agree with her: gorillas are creepy. Does anyone else feel uncomfortable staring at them in the zoo?

But a pet meerkat would be awesome.

We don't have lions at our zoo so Abby was fascinated by this male and female who put on quite the playful show for us.

Betty got Abby a zoo key and we had fun listening to the animal facts and silly songs.

The following day, Abby stayed with Betty and Stan while Robert and I returned to our roots at Wichita State University. I first laid eyes on Robert here in May 1998 (18 years ago!!) while I was on a college visit and heard the horn studio give a recital. Robert played Nelhybel's Scherzo Concertante and I was completely smitten. He was tall, dark and handsome. Talented. He had swagger. During dinner at Applebee's that evening after the recital I told my parents I was going to marry him someday. My mom enjoyed telling this story at our wedding.

Wichita State has changed and improved a lot but the School of Music, not so much. Isn't that usually the case with music schools and funding? I kind of like that it is still stuck in the past. I have 4 years of incredible memories within these halls and walls. A horn professor who I still look up to, who shaped me the most as a musician, who has become a friend of our family, and who now has an amazing job with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Close friends who are still close friends, regardless of the years that have passed and the miles between us. And most importantly, a lanky, flirty horn colleague who -- after a crazy love story -- is now my husband of 12 years and incredible dad to one curly haired little girl. 

Gah! Why am I feeling so sentimental?!

Also, do you see the burst of color in that photo? One of my least favorite things about living in Florida is the lack of seasons, so it made my heart happy to see all of the flowers in bloom. Spring!

After our walk down memory lane Robert and I stopped by Hopping Gnome Brewery. We were impressed! Wichita is apparently making strides in the eat/buy local movement which is cool to see. I still don't appreciate IPAs as much as Robert does but I'll keep giving them a shot.

Robert's mom retired fairly recently from her job as a librarian of 32 years, and the next day we took Abby to check out some books from her branch. The weather went from cold (day 1) to warm and beautiful (day 2) to cold again (day 3) and guess what Abby got to see for the first time? Snow! Just little flurries, but she was super excited. She tried to catch the snowflakes on her tongue.

She got Robert to join in on the fun.

We met up with Michael, Cindy and Marisa that evening for dinner and quickly realized we were going to eat our way through the Midwest on this trip. So why not pick up a dozen fancy donuts the next morning? Michael raved about "Hurt's Donut" and they did not disappoint. 

Don't mind the green -- they were dyed for St. Patrick's Day.

Apparently this was the only photo I took with Michael and Cindy. And yet again, I missed getting any pictures of Stan! (At least until I get my Nifty Nut House pictures.) Ugh, I apologize and promise to take extra pictures of Abby and Grandpa Z when they visit us later this month.

We spent the rest of our last day in town at Botanica. We missed the full blooms by a week or so but it was still beautiful. The Children's Garden is new to me and Abby loved it.

Cousin Marisa is the sweetest.

I wish I could come back for some photo shoots with my good camera. Too cute.

I loved this entire music area.

French horns!

Marisa showed Abby how to climb through the monster.

Who knew painting with water could be so fun? I'm totally doing this with Abby and her friends in our driveway this summer.

Here's where Cindy and I prayed no one would fall into the ice cold water.

See? Proof that we were all together.

Little monkeys.

This sweet sculpture caught my eye on the way out.

For lunch we headed to La Galette, a little French bakery and restaurant. Their crusty-on-the-outside-but-pillowy-soft-on-the-inside French bread is the best.

Abby snatched up my camera and took the next two photos.


Thanks, Zajkowskis, for the wonderful visit! Michael, Cindy, and Marisa: I'm so glad you finally got to meet our little Abigail. Thanks for all of the fun and all of the good food. We loved spending time with you!

Next up: Kansas City.

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