Sunday, December 20, 2015

Abby's 1st Concert

Abby's preschool put on the cutest little concert for Christmas. The sanctuary was packed with parents and grandparents and when the first (and youngest) group of kids came out, there was one little girl who started crying and had to be rescued by her mom. It made me wonder how Abby was going to react since this was her first time being on "stage." After that first group of younger two year olds finished singing their three songs, Abby's class was up. She was all smiles!

I tried to limit my picture taking so that Abby could see my smiling face instead of the camera. Do you see the teaching assistant -- Miss Mindy's -- bun? It's practically as big as the kids' heads.

They sandwiched the four boys between the two girls to keep the boys in line. :)

"1 little, 2 little, 3 little elves..."

Jingle bells for the big finale.

And then it was over! Abby and Addy had to find each other as they walked out. I think Miss Mindy is telling them to pay attention and get moving. 

It's fun to think that this is just the beginning. I wonder what other concerts Robert and I will sit through over the years? Choir concerts? Orchestra concerts? I can't wait to see!

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