Wednesday, July 22, 2015

arts + crafts

Summer is starting to feel a little long these days so I stopped by the library and checked out two really great books full of creative ideas for making art with little ones: The Artful Parent and Tinkerlab. I did a quick read through of both the night before last and ended up making a Michaels run with Abby yesterday morning to gather supplies. I really like the idea of setting up "creative invitations" which might be something as simple as 4 blobs of paint, a piece of paper, and some Q-tips. I'd like to put a little more thought into this and make a list of some invitations to have ready for when Abby wakes from her naps. It would also be nice to get into the routine of having Abby work on her art while I'm making dinner or cleaning up around the house. Sometimes I rely on Curious George and Daniel Tiger on PBS a little more than I should. 

In the meantime, it was easy enough to pick up some Crayola window markers.

The colors are really fun!

My neat and tidy little girl did great staying on the glass and successfully avoided the walls, curtains, etc.

After her nap yesterday (she's been requesting pajamas for naps these days) Abby woke to find a little bowl of sequins, some feathers and a glue bottle. Ooh la la.

She picked out all PINK feathers.

So we'll see where this goes. Michaels had some unpainted wooden craft items 70% off -- birdhouses and such -- that I thought would be fun for her to paint. Canvases were also on sale and since I often find her paintings to be so interesting, perhaps I'll hang some of her work on our walls? Building sculptures with toothpicks, marshmallows and maybe even gumdrops (will she eat them all?) is also on the list. And splatter painting (outside!) on a day when I'm feeling adventurous. Any other ideas I'm missing?

I also want to document Abby's favorite activity of late: puzzles! We started with Melissa and Doug twelve piece wooden puzzles but now she's moved on to more pieces with her Crocodile Creek Fairytale puzzle. Both Robert and I are surprised at how quickly she puts the puzzles together all on her own. 

What are your favorite summer activities?

Summer Swim

My friend Brandi heard about kids swim lessons with Greater Tampa Swim Association and for 8 weeks of Monday and Wednesday half hour lessons at just $25 total, we signed our girls up ASAP! Abby and Emma have improved quite a bit in the water these past 7 weeks.

Abby used to avoid getting her face wet, but now she's a bubble blowing pro. 

Go, Abby, go!

She made it!

Abby did really great with her lessons in June and then we had a week off. When we came back in July she started acting much more anxious in the water and she's remained that way ever since. I'm really wondering what caused the change. Whenever it's her turn and Coach Todd reaches out to her, she turns to me and whimpering a bit says "hug and kiss, momma!" That's our usual routine for when I drop her off at preschool or her classroom at church on Sundays, but I'm not sure why she needs the same reassurance before getting in the water every. single. time. I sit on the edge of the pool the entire lesson and she knows I'm not going anywhere. I encourage her to be a brave girl and to have fun! (Right...) Poor thing.

Here's Coach Todd giving her a pep talk.

"Oh, oh, Abby! Tears make it harder to swim."

Once she gets in the water she usually puts on a brave face and does fine.

Floating on her own!

Afterwards, it's all smiles. Lollipop time!

Today after lessons we took the girls to the "lion park."

Florida summers are about 6 months long -- I count May through October -- and already I find myself prematurely thinking about fall. These "real feel" days of 107 are brutal. I'm thankful for all of these great splash pads that keep us cool!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Mississippi Visit

We last visited my sister and her family back in March 2014 when Cora was just 3 weeks old. I really wish we lived closer to family because look how much she's grown!

Cue the "I'm tired" pose: two fingers in her mouth and one hand on her ear.

We made it to Bethany's house on Thursday just in time for Abby and Clay's naps. After they woke up we had some incredible barbecue at The Shed. I'm kicking myself for not documenting the deliciousness.

On Friday morning we headed out to pick blueberries. Abby has now picked strawberries, peaches and blueberries. Someday we'll need to venture north to pick apples.

On a mission.

Abby was a very focused and strategic picker. Her bucket was full of perfectly plump blueberries, carefully selected one at a time. 

Cora held up pretty well in the heat.

Pink boots! 

After we got home the kids rode bikes outside for awhile. 

Robert and Mike picked up some groceries and came home with not one, but two fun cakes. What's more all-American for the 4th of July than a pink camo and cheeseburger cake?!

On Saturday morning we visited the barn where Cadence rides horses and I was finally able to get a picture of all 4 cousins together. Look at all of those curls!

It was neat to learn about how each horse has its own distinct personality. We were told to be aware around Jack because he likes to nibble. The horse I locked eyes with and felt a connection to was Izzie, who tends to be aware of what's going on in the barn at all times and might be called organized if horses had organizational skills; obviously, a perfect fit for me.  

Meet Chaps. This horse is Bethany's match.

I really love the light in this photograph.

Nana and her 4 grandkids.

This is the best we could get with the 8 of us. I'll take it.

Clay wanted a silly picture.

I wish I could have more snuggle time with this little one.

As always, there's never enough time. We jumped back in the car (ugh) that afternoon to make the 4 hour drive to our Tallahassee hotel. We all agreed that we need to make getting everyone together at least once a year more of a priority, despite the distance. I wonder where we'll meet for our next adventure? We love you, Chiles family!