Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Big 2nd Birthday Bash

We had a BIG birthday party the weekend before last for five of Abby's friends who turn 2 this month. Have I mentioned how much I love my mom's group?

The birthday kids from left to right: Alberto, Emma, Madi, Axel and Gabi.

Sweet family: Gabe, Raquel and Alberto.

One of my favorite families: the Shys. Eli was eating vegemite on toast. *shudder* You must have a more sophisticated palate than I do, baby boy!

Thighs for days. Scrumptious baby legs!!

#cutie for sure.

Let the messiness commence.

Abby wants to wear this Minnie shirt everyday now.

Happy birthday, sweet friends! Can we all slow down a little now? These kiddos are getting too big too fast.

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