Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Halloween with a two year old has been fun this year. Abby's eyes light up when she recognizes certain costumes. Mickey Mouse! Daniel Tiger! Ladybugs! We've managed to steer clear of the whole Frozen mania (we still haven't seen the movie) and we're hoping to fend off our little girl's inevitable princess phase for as long as possible. So all of the Elsa's walking around this year? Abby was unimpressed.

Abby's black kitty cat dress is getting put to good use. She wore it for a little Halloween party at her preschool yesterday and then we had it back out again today. I teach music classes on Saturday mornings at Baby Bungalow and we swung by this morning for their Fall Festival. Abby always loves riding this horse.

One of the moms from our play group, Lacy, also teaches at Baby Bungalow and she and her son Connor stopped by. The kids were very excited about their suckers.

 I got a picture with the cat ears. Success!

We stopped by two neighbors' houses for trick-or-treating this evening. We love Kay and her daughters Kayla and Kylee (pictured below).


Where's the rest of the candy?

We still have our play group Halloween party tomorrow afternoon. I think we've officially gone a bit overboard this year but with so many fun things to do and such a cute little kitty cat, how can you say no?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

National Cat Day

Happy National Cat Day! I know, I had no idea this day existed either until a friend told me yesterday.  We do love cats in this house so in order to celebrate, Abby wore her black cat Halloween costume a few days early. Thanks, Grandma Betty for the pretty dress! I have a headband with cat ears but of course Abby wants nothing to do with that. Oh, 2 year olds. 

Look at that bright sunshine. I remember having to bundle up in warm clothes for trick-or-treating so it seems strange to me that Abby can wear a sleeveless dress at the end of October.

Tip toes, tip toes. Our little ballerina.

Yet again, this hair...!

Abby loves when I wear my kitty shoes, too.

Here are our two lazy fur balls: Nadia & Cora.

The average cat sleeps 15 hours a day. I'm totally jealous.

I'll post Halloween pictures later this week. We have a party with Abby's play group friends on Saturday. Cross your fingers that she lets me draw some whiskers on her face!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkin Patch x 2

A few of Abby's play group friends returned to the Hyde Park pumpkin patch earlier this week. Our kiddos have grown so much since last year's visit!



 Here's Connor practicing his steely blue gaze.



Madi. She and her family are moving back to Australia soon. 

The next Olympic sport: pumpkin rolling. Go, Abby, go!

I continue to feel very thankful for these ladies and our friendships. We've experienced so much together these past few years! It's neat to see how the kids are forming friendships with one another now, too.

We saw Abby's friends Connor and Axel again this afternoon at HorsePower Farm. Our church service ran a little longer than usual this morning so we didn't make it to the farm until 11:30. Abby enjoyed seeing all of the animals -- ducks, chickens, wolves, alligators, lemurs, prairie dogs, cows, snakes, exotic birds, ostriches, emus...seriously, the list goes on and on -- but naptime was quickly upon us and she got pretty tired. We waited in line to ride the train and both Axel and Connor hopped right on, but Abby decided she wanted nothing to do with a train ride. 

I "pet" both an alligator and a snake.

Abby was skeptical, ha!

Time with daddy is the best.

I love this one.

Axel and Connor both enjoyed their horse rides but Abby didn't want anything to do with that, either. No fun at all, little girl!

All in all it was another fun Fall outing. Considering we've been three times now, I think we can officially check pumpkin patches off the list this year. I continue to have so much fun seeing the world through a little girl's eyes. Next up? November! That's officially the beginning of the holiday season and all things Christmas, right?

Monday, October 13, 2014

2 Years Old!

Happy birthday to our sweet Abigail Grace! We love you soooooo much, little girl. Today was pretty great because even though it was a Monday, Robert had the day off for Columbus Day. Betty and I took Abby to her music class this morning and then while she was napping later this afternoon, Robert built her new tricycle from Nana & Papa. Such a big girl! Grandma Betty was a good sport and took her for a long (and hot) ride down the street while I was teaching a horn lesson.

Then we headed off to the pumpkin patch this evening. I think this could become a fun birthday tradition.


Kitty cat Abby!

Our friend Marci put together another birthday video for Abby this year. This and her first year video are two of my favorite gifts ever. Thank you so much Aunt Marci!

Abby, I love you more than I ever thought possible. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives. I can't imagine my world without you -- you are my world. All of it. Wrapped up in one strong, sweet, silly, crazy haired (!), beautiful little girl. Happy birthday, pumpkin!

Birthday Party #2

A two year old needs two birthday parties, right? Yesterday we had a small party at our house with Betty and our friends Ronnie & Josie (and daughter Leahna), Tati & Mike, and Abby's sitter Meghan & her husband Brian.

Abby has become a big fan of cake and candles this weekend. I made a new recipe from my Seriously Delish cookbook for Abby's birthday cake this year. So many sprinkles!

A little extra help blowing out the candles with Grandma Betty.

I apologize for not taking more pictures. How did I not get any pictures of our guests? Or of Abby's fun presents? Tati took the following pictures on her iPhone. Abby still loves giving great big hugs -- even if the recipient isn't quite as enthusiastic. ;) Check out Abby's new BIG GIRL BED and her fun ladybug bedding from Aunt Bethany.

Pretending to sleep, ha! These two couldn't be any cuter. 

I'm determined to get a picture of Abby with Meghan soon. She loves her so very much. Happy birthday (again), sweet Abby!