Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Abby's 1st Day of "School"

Today was a BIG day in our house. Abby went to daycare! We signed her up for a day school program this year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-noon. The school is at a Methodist church just 5 minutes away and we've been happy to learn that several of Abby's friends are also enrolled. Her sweet friend Layla from my mom's group will even be in the same classroom. (Abby tends to smother Layla in hugs every time she sees her so hopefully she learns to give her a little space!) 

Our little stinker slept in this morning so I had time to swap out all of the items from her much loved diaper bag into her new backpack. Official transition moment, right? 

I know, I know...I totally splurged. This is my first purchase from Pottery Barn Kids. I think the kitty cat print is so, so cute.

I eventually had to go into Abby's room around 8:45 and rub her back to wake her up. She had a quick breakfast and then off we went. I reached back a few times on the drive there to give her hand a little squeeze. And when we got to the classroom? She walked right in like she owned the place and didn't look back. Such an independent little girl! I blew her a kiss while she was vacuuming with the play vacuum and that was it. No tears from either one of us, I was so surprised!

The house felt strangely empty when I got home. I think there have only been a handful of times when I've been in the house without her the past few years. I took my French horn out of the case and had a really great hour-long practice session. I got through my warm up and then played some Bach cello suites and a few movements of the Brahms Horn Trio. I enjoyed practicing so much. I tend to have a love/hate relationship with my Horn but today definitely felt warm and fuzzy. 

I kept looking at the clock and wondering, "what is Abby doing now?" and by 11:00 I officially missed her and wanted to go pick her up. Finally it was noon and here's her daily report: Full of Smiles! (Notice also that they checked "Clean Plate" for her snack. No surprise there.)

I sneaked a peak through the window when I went to pick her up and she was happily playing. Her teacher said Abby did great and that she spent a large part of the morning dancing. (I'm guessing they had music playing?) They thought her swaying back and forth moves were pretty entertaining.

Abby was ready for a big lunch when we got home and apparently she needed to squeeze in some coloring time. (She still tends to go for the black crayon first.)

Serious concentration.

So we made it through the first day! I think this is going to be a really great experience for both of us. Abby is one of the youngest in her class and I'm hoping she will start talking a little more after being around the older kids. She says a lot of single words but is still not stringing them together very much.

I love you, little school girl! When did you get to be such big stuff?

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