Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Baby Cora Chiles

Over Memorial Day weekend Robert, Abby and I piled into the car and drove 6+ hours north to Fort Walton Beach to visit my sister and her family. Baby Coralynn Georgia Chiles was born just 3 weeks prior on May 4th. (That's Star Wars Day, by the way. "May the fourth be with you." Get it? Robert may be the only person in our entire family who is impressed by this.) 

I was instantly in love with Miss Cora.

Proud Aunt! Oh Cora, what sorts of fun adventures are we going to have together?

I love these sweet pictures with Bethany. My sister is amazing. She is one of the most beautiful people I know -- both inside and out. She now has three children under 5 years old and somehow she still manages to keep it all together. She remains patient and nurturing despite the sleep deprivation and (dare I say?) chaos that surrounds her. I really don't know how she does it. Cadence, Clay and Cora are so very fortunate to have her as their mom.

Seriously, does it get any better than this?

Smooshy face.

Later that afternoon Robert and I took the 3 "big" kids to the park.

I wonder if Abby's hair will stay as curly as her cousin Cadence's?

I got several sweet pictures of Cadence with Cora but unfortunately I missed getting some good ones with big brother Clay.

Sweet, sweet baby girl

Look at Cora's beautiful, bright blue eyes.

Teeny tiny toes!

This is one of my favorites.

Cadence's ornery face.

Proud papa and one passed out baby.

Have I ever posted pictures of Mike & Bethany's two greyhounds? This is Lily.

Abigail was in heaven -- she loves dogs.

And here's Thomas.

Clay had fun pushing Abby around in his coupe.

Our second night in town, Cadence and I had a slumber party in her room. We played with Barbies and ponies and read book after book while eating Cheez-Its and fruit-o's cereal in her bed.

Visits with family are always too short. Abigail was a great traveler, especially considering the fact that we had just flown home from Milwaukee 4 days prior. She looked at books, took naps...

...and when she was out of ideas, she resorted to eating her toes. (?!)

We can't wait to see you again, sweet baby Cora! Bethany, hang in there with that house full of kiddos. :)

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