Monday, December 23, 2013

Abby's 1st Visit to the Zoo

Nana & Papa flew into Tampa on the 21st. We're so glad to have them here! I played a concert on the 22nd and on the 23rd we took Abby to the zoo for the very first time. She didn't take her morning nap and it was a pretty warm day (85 degrees!) so she was not her usually smiley self. Still, she really enjoyed seeing the big cats and the giraffes. 

This monkey put on quite a show for us.

Abby wasn't sure what to think of the carousel.

Giraffes! I love this picture with my mom.

Little baby elephant.

An Okapi. Apparently it wants to be part zebra? Interesting animal!

Abby went to the petting zoo for the first time and pet the goats.

My parents ended up buying us a yearlong pass to the zoo, so we look forward to returning again soon! Thanks Nana and Papa!

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