Sunday, May 5, 2013

fun in the sun

I know the rest of the country has been experiencing some crazy weather lately -- snow in Kansas City in May?! -- but it's been mostly warm and sunny here. It definitely feels like summer is right around the corner.

My mother-in-law Betty flew in a week ago and we've all been having a lot of fun together. She cleaned up the swing in the backyard and Abigail has been enjoying it.

The weather was particularly beautiful today so we headed to the beach at the air force base where Robert works. I took Abigail to the St. Pete Beach with our friend Clara awhile back, but she didn't get into the water. Today we let her splash around and she loved it. She also tried to eat a handful of sand...blech.

Here we go! First time in the ocean! She's way ahead of me considering I was 19 years old when I first saw the ocean.

Look at those adorable chubby leggies!

I promise the water wasn't as dirty as it appears to be in these photos.

In other Abby news:
  1. She has 2 teeth! The second one (bottom left) came in just 2 days after her first tooth.
  2. We've been introducing new foods and she has tried avocado, banana and peas. Each new flavor results in a priceless face of what the heck is THIS?
  3. I saw her crawl! Not just the army crawl she's been doing for awhile, either. But since then, we haven't really seen her do it again.
  4. We lowered her crib today. Even though she's not pulling herself up yet, we didn't want her to catch us by surprise.
Warm and sunny thoughts to all of our blog readers!

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