Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Little Fashionista

I know, I know...I'm going a bit overboard with all of these blog posts lately. This week is blissfully empty because Polk State is off for Spring Break and Robert will be in Virginia tomorrow and Thursday so I had to cancel my private lessons. The middle school where I teach on Fridays is off for Good Friday, too. More time = more pictures! Abby has become such a little model. I hold up the camera and she smiles and holds the pose. I snap the photo and she makes a slight adjustment for the next one. 

The photo shoot below only took about 5 minutes. Aunt Bethany picked out the stylish wardrobe. I am a huge fan of "black and white swirly patterns!" and Bethany used to be the queen of hats. Thanks, Aunt Bethany, for the chic outfit for our chic little girl!

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