Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

We hope all of our friends and family had a very Merry Christmas! My parents (will Abigail call them Nana and Papa like her cousins Cadence and Clay do?) flew in from Kansas City on the 23rd. Abigail attended her very first church service on Christmas Eve. I had been holding off taking her to church until she got her 2 month vaccinations. The candlelight service was beautiful and Abby slept in my arms throughout most of it. Thanks, Nana, for the beautiful Christmas dress! My parents couldn't believe how much she's grown since they saw her in October.

Abigail got all kinds of fun gifts on Christmas day. My mom asked me the night before what Santa would be bringing her. Robert and I hadn't bought any Santa gifts. Oops! Parent FAIL. She's only 2 months old, after all. So...Nana to the rescue. She and my dad made a quick trip to Target and picked up a few fun toys: the classic "popcorn" popper walker and a Fisher Price teapot toy that has a fun British accent. :)

From the Zajkowski Christmas exchange, Abby got a fun VTech bunny from her Salt Lake cousin, Haley. 

Nana picked out some cute new clothes, too. We love the kitty cats!! 

Abigail was spoiled with lots of books, ornaments, and more clothes. Christmas is definitely fun with a new baby girl. We look forward to all of our future Christmases with her and we're especially looking forward to the Santa years. It always makes me so sad to have to pack up the tree and all of the decorations. Until next year...

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I love her Christmas dress...and know you do too! Glad Abby had such a special first Christmas! xoxo
