Saturday, April 11, 2015

Cast On, Cast Off

Dear patient blog readers, I promise to try and catch up on here soon. Let's go back to March for a bit, shall we? Robert took the day off on March 16th and we went to Disney's Animal Kingdom to meet up with our friend Tati on her birthday. We announced to Abby that we were going that morning by pulling her sparkly pink Minnie ears out of the closet and asking her if she wanted to go to "Mickey's Zoo."

Here's the Tree of Life. There are all kinds of intricate carvings of different animals in the trunk that are quite beautiful, but that's probably hard to see in this picture.

We got lucky and made it into a short line to see Daisy Duck. Abby did great with her first character meet and greet! She was a little unsure about Daisy at first but ended up giving her a big hug.

Someone needs a hair tie...

Robert says he would describe Animal Kingdom as a super fancy zoo with not a whole lot of animals. It was all very picturesque but I think it's fair to say it's not our favorite of the parks.


Perhaps we weren't that impressed with Animal Kingdom because we ended up spending only 2 hours there. Why? Shortly after this picture was taken, Abby slipped off a bench, tried to catch herself, and ended up breaking her wrist. She was a very brave little girl throughout the whole ordeal and I think Robert and I did a good job of remaining calm and collected, too. We took her to Disney's First Aid station where a well-meaning but unhelpful nurse poked around at her arm and informed us, "she'd be screaming her head off if she'd broken anything." 

I wasn't convinced. We decided to head back to Tampa to an Orthopedic Urgent Care where -- to make a long story short -- Humana's entire system just happened to be down for the day and since they couldn't verify our information in the system, we couldn't see a doctor. Abby did a great job this entire time, holding her arm like a little wounded wing. We took her home for her nap and decided to see if her arm was still hurting when she woke up. It was. It was more swollen and our sweet little girl was clearly not ok. Humana's system was still down so off to the ER we went. What's crazy is that this is the same ER I walked into almost 5 years to the day earlier when I split open my chin while running. Ah, memories.

Abby was such a trooper.

She ended up having greenstick fractures in both her ulna and radius bones, so they splinted her arm and we made an appointment the following day with a Pediatric Orthopedist. 

The next day -- St. Patrick's Day -- Abby got her GREEN (perfect!) cast. The cast didn't slow her down a bit.

After 3 and 1/2 quick weeks, the cast came off yesterday. Hooray! We went shopping at a health food store near the doctor's office after her appointment and Abby loved pushing around this cute kid-sized cart. I'm so glad my little chickadee has healthy bones again!

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