Monday, October 13, 2014

Birthday Party #2

A two year old needs two birthday parties, right? Yesterday we had a small party at our house with Betty and our friends Ronnie & Josie (and daughter Leahna), Tati & Mike, and Abby's sitter Meghan & her husband Brian.

Abby has become a big fan of cake and candles this weekend. I made a new recipe from my Seriously Delish cookbook for Abby's birthday cake this year. So many sprinkles!

A little extra help blowing out the candles with Grandma Betty.

I apologize for not taking more pictures. How did I not get any pictures of our guests? Or of Abby's fun presents? Tati took the following pictures on her iPhone. Abby still loves giving great big hugs -- even if the recipient isn't quite as enthusiastic. ;) Check out Abby's new BIG GIRL BED and her fun ladybug bedding from Aunt Bethany.

Pretending to sleep, ha! These two couldn't be any cuter. 

I'm determined to get a picture of Abby with Meghan soon. She loves her so very much. Happy birthday (again), sweet Abby!

1 comment:

  1. Great cake! And I like the pumpkin patch tradition. How did she like her new kitchen???
