Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This & That -- Summer 2014 Edition

Today is a big day at the Zajkowski household. I signed Abby up for a Tuesday/Thursday 9:00-12:00 day school program beginning this Fall. We had a tour this morning and I felt good about everything I saw. The Director of the preschool ("Miss Diane") has been there since 1980! I think it will be good for Abby to spend a little more time with kids her age and since I'm kind of a wimp, 2 mornings/week is a good way for us to start. :) I'm excited about having devoted practice time set aside for me again, too!

Robert spent most of last week in Vegas for work and when he got home on Friday, he was called back in during the middle of the night and we basically haven't seen him since. He didn't see Abby at all on Friday or Saturday and he made it home just in time for bedtime on Sunday. Once things slow down we're going to reschedule Father's Day. So disappointing, but we're grateful for his job and proud of the work he does.

Since summer is here and it's miserably hot and humid, we've been looking for places to play indoors. Abby and I had a mommy/daughter date at Glazer Childrens Museum one afternoon last week. It seems like she "gets" more and more of the activities each time we go. There were two areas where she held still long enough for me to take some pictures with my phone: the (rubber) sand box and the gardening area.

"How does this thing work?"

We've also been doing a lot more "reading" lately. The other day when we were reading through her Animal Alphabet book we came across "A is for Alligator" and she jumped up, ran to her Melissa & Doug jungle animals puzzle, and excitedly matched the wooden alligator puzzle piece to the picture in the book. She was so proud of herself! She did the same thing when I read "G is for Giraffe" and "L is for Lion." Also, my mom gave her a Maisy book about Maisy tidying up the house and in the middle of reading about Maisy mopping the floor, Abby ran into the other room to get her own play mop. I love that she's making these connections!

Can you see her holding the book up? This is usually how she falls asleep.

She's all about smelling things lately, too. Scentsy wax is a big hit.

I thought this was a pretty clever way to give Baby a ride.

Shenanigans! She thought it was great fun to pull the crib out from the wall and stockpile all of her toys, animals and books. Ignore her nakedness -- we were trying on clothes that afternoon. :)

And one of my current favorites -- our little fashionista. Audrey Hepburn + a bit of silliness?

Finally, we love eating lemons these days.

Stay tuned for a post covering my parents' visit. They'll be here in a week!

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