Sunday, February 9, 2014

smart cookie

Here's phone pics catch-up #2:

Abby has new shades!

Abigail enjoys using her step stool to look out the windows. Aunt Bert mailed her some snowmen window stickies that were a big hit -- poor girl, it's the closest she got to snow this winter. She also uses the step stool to watch the recycling truck and to see cats that venture into our yard. 

Then this happened. Abby was watching a kitty in our yard the other day while I was drying my hair and when I looked in on her, she wasn't standing at her bedroom window anymore. Apparently the kitty had moved to a different part of the yard so Abigail picked up the step stool and moved it to the window in another room. Ok, I know I'm her mom and I'm biased and everything, but that seems like some pretty impressive problem solving for a 15 month old! Here she is checking out the kitty from her new location.

In other news, Abby still eats like she has a bottomless pit for a stomach. Just the other night when we had breakfast for dinner, Robert and I were pretty certain she ate more pancakes than either one of us did. She also has a sweet tooth like mommy. These might be the first sad Abby pictures I have posted to the blog -- I hope you are not too heartbroken! Mommy said, "No more cookies, Abby."

I'll leave you on a happier note from a few weeks ago during craft time. Thanks, Aunt Bethany, for the fun crayons and play-doh!

In closing, we had not one but two exciting birth announcements today! Congratulations to my dear friend Helenka Shy on the birth of her baby boy this morning. He joins big sister Maya who was born just a few days before Abigail. I can't imagine having two kiddos so close together but knowing Helenka she will make it seem like a piece of cake. Congratulations also to my cousin Rachel Earley who gave birth to Clark Christopher Michael Monnig -- weighing in at 9 lb. 8 oz! Love to all of you. News of precious new babies never gets old!

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing these pics and I'm very impressed with her problem solving. With parents like you guys, how could she not be a total smartie??? :) And I love the name "Clark" for your cousin's baby!
