Thursday, September 12, 2013

yoga baby & peekaboo

The Midwest girl in me believes that it should start feeling just a little bit like Fall in September. Alas, no such luck when you live in Florida. To make myself feel better I bought an "Autumn Celebration" Yankee candle and I've been making some soups and stews in the crockpot. The house currently smells like sweet potato chili, a recipe recommended by my friend Marci. 

Abby has been tons of fun today. The amazing little girl took both naps while a trim trimmer worked just a few houses away. They kept feeding entire stumps of trees through a woodchipper, which was incredibly loud and annoying. I could stand to learn a few things from her laid back nature.

We had some crazy hair going on this morning that I thought you would enjoy. I didn't sculpt the mohawk -- it was purely natural bedhead!

A bit blurry, but fun.

Abigail recommends that we should all try reading in more...flexible...positions. She really loves stretching out backwards and hanging upside down. Maybe the baby yoga classes we attend on Fridays at the library have been teaching her few things?

Check out these precious curls -- help! Someone will need to give me a tutorial soon on how to work with curly hair.

The best game of all, however, is still peekaboo. 

Where's Abby?


I ran up to the chair where she was hiding, surprised her, and got these happy reactions. I wish you could hear the accompanying squeals of delight!

In other news, we received some fun mail from my Aunt Bert today. I had seen the sweetest little play tea bags on Pinterest and I showed the picture to my Aunt when we were back home in Kansas City. I was caught by surprise when these showed up today. Adorable, no? I can't wait for little tea parties with my munchkin. Thanks so much, Aunt Bert! We're touched that you remembered!

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