Tuesday, August 27, 2013

baby playdate

Robert is still putting in long hours at work and Abigail hasn't seen her Daddy for several days now. I wish he could see how cute she looks today. Thanks Grandma Z for the adorable outfit!

Washcloths are the best toy ever, didn't you know?

I had my first day of teaching back at Polk State College yesterday. We found a great sitter for Mondays -- her name is Meghan -- but I still felt a little anxious on Sunday night about leaving Abby at home with someone new. When I opened the door yesterday morning to let Meghan in, Abby instantly had a huge smile on her face. I felt so relieved! Abby took to Meghan right away when we had her come over to meet her a few weeks ago. It turns out my worry was unnecessary because they ended up having a great first day together. Apparently even nap time was easy. One of the things I like most about Meghan is that she was a vocal major and she spends time singing to Abby. She told me that she's never met a baby who was so responsive to music. I loved hearing that, although I'm not terribly surprised considering Abby heard music all throughout my pregnancy. Poor little girl had a French horn bell pointed at her for 9 months!

Today, Abby and I went to a baby play date at our friend Helenka's. We have been attending play dates with this group of first time moms and their babies since Abby was about 6 months old.

Helenka set up a ball pit (er...pool) for her daughter Maya. How fun is that?!

Diving right in.

Here is Helenka's daughter, Maya, who you might remember from our trip to the Thai Food Festival. Maya is just two days older than Abigail and they enjoy checking each other out. I was struggling with the lighting, so sorry these pictures are a little blurry. 

Here's the whole gang. :)

What are they looking at, you ask? Why, it's all of their mommies clapping and yelling and trying to get their attention. Too bad I don't have a picture of that because we looked completely ridiculous!

Babies going everywhere!

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