Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kansas City Trip

Abigail is my new travel buddy! She and I flew to Kansas City last week on July 4th. We had a crazy busy trip but it was great seeing so many family members and friends. I love airports and flying but I was nervous about the logistics of traveling with a baby. As usual, she did great and barely fussed at all. Here she is looking out the airplane window when we landed in Kansas City. 

Nana & Papa picked us up at the airport and we drove straight to Cameron (their hometown) to see family and the 4th of July parade. Papa kept telling her what was going on in the parade but she was more interested in checking out all of the people around us.

Midwest small town parade = tractors! When I was just 3 months old I rode in a tractor cab in this parade with my mom and dad. If we had made it to Cameron a little earlier I might have tried to talk my Uncle Mike into letting Abigail do the same. 

After the parade, we headed over to my Grandma & Grandpa's house. Here is Abigail with Aunt Denise, Aunt Staci, and Staci's cutie pie daughter, Adalynn. Staci is due with baby girl #2 any day now. We were kind of hoping we would get to meet Baby Lillian.

Here is Abigail with Aunt Mary Ann. 

And with my Grandma (her Great Grandma!) Earley.

Abigail loves eating necklaces.

Sorry I didn't get any pictures with the men! Uncle Dan, Uncle Pat, Uncle Mike, Uncle Guy, Grandpa and cousins Megan and Aaron were also around. Whew! That was a lot of people to meet and a busy day. 

On Friday we took it easy during the day and then met up with some of my mom's family at Panera. Abigail met Papaw -- my Grandpa. Papaw is 94 and so very special to me. It means the world to me that he was able to meet our sweet little girl. 

Abigail also met Aunt Kate, who made a lot of my fancy birthday cakes when I was young. She worked as a dental hygienist and did my teeth cleanings, too. That's a good balance, I suppose. Cover my teeth in sugar and then clean them up...I have never thought about that until now!

Aunt Harriet was at Panera, too. Somehow I didn't get a picture with my cousin Tammy, though...

On Saturday morning, Nana & Papa took us to the farmer's market and we picked up some amazing tomatoes and a few pies. For lunch, we met my Aunt Bert, Uncle John and cousin Rob for lunch at Minsky's pizza. Later that evening, we drove out to Mission, KS to visit our friends Chris & Alicia Newkirk, their 3 sweet kids, and Alicia's parents. Alicia's parents had picked up Oklahoma Joe's barbecue for dinner so I got my KC barbecue fix! No pictures from this gathering...sad.

On Sunday we made it to church and Abigail did great in the nursery. Then it was Zajkowski day! Stan and Betty arrived right after church and then Robert's sister, Karen, and her family joined us a few hours later. It was busy and fun and yet again I didn't take any pictures. My apologies!

On Monday morning my best friend from high school, Carol, drove in from Lawrence with her four kiddos. As if that weren't enough on its own, Carol is also due with baby #5 in just 2 weeks. I seriously don't know how she does it. Her kids are super sweet and well behaved and they all have the most beautiful big brown eyes.

Here is Abby with Lily and Abel. 

And here is Mary added to the mix.

Story time with Mrs. Earley.

Then my dad came home for lunch and read to Amos.

How happy is this?

Stan & Betty stopped by again later that afternoon before heading back to Wichita.

Abigail kept "celebrating" -- she would put her arms up and the entire room of adults would do the same and yell "yaaaaaayy!"

Look at those curls!

Abigail's thinking face.

My high school friend Kelli stopped by for a quick hello on Monday evening. And then before we knew it, the last day of our trip was here. On Tuesday, Aunt Bert visited bearing gifts of fresh produce from her garden, homemade strawberry jam, and chocolate chip cookies. Abigail was happy to have another necklace to chew on.

Then my friend and roommate from Wichita State, Jenny, came by later that afternoon. She played with Abby for a little while and then my mom watched her while Jenny and I made a quick Starbucks run. It was such a treat to be able to sit and enjoy a latte while catching up with a dear friend!

Yesterday morning we were out the door by 6:00am to catch our flight. Again, Abby was soooo good for her momma. She even napped a little during the flight and she had plenty of smiles for everyone around us. One of the flight attendants couldn't resist giving her chubby legs a pinch and she asked if she could take her home with her. Doesn't she look so grown up in this picture?

We took it easy today and unfortunately, it seems like Abby has her first little stomach bug. She probably picked up some germs from the airplane. She's almost 9 months old and this is the first time she has been sick. How fortunate are we?

Many thanks to our friends and family for the fun trip home. We look forward to visiting again soon!

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