Wednesday, February 13, 2013

4 months old

Our sweet little girl is 4 months old today! Abigail threw me for a loop this morning and didn't wake up at her usual 7:15/7:30 time. I got up around 6:30, made my coffee, read a magazine and then realized it was 8:30. Baby girl slept THIRTEEN hours straight last night! Crazy. She is definitely a good sleeper. If she were a skinny little thing I might be worried about her going that long without eating...but that's definitely not the case. ;) We look forward to finding out her measurements at her doctor's appointment tomorrow. 

Here's our little sweetheart at 4 months. It's pretty much impossible these days to get a picture of her without her hands in her mouth.

Love those chubby leggies!

A little blurry but I love this one so much.

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