Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Zajkowskis! I know I've gone a little crazy with blog posts the past few days, but it's the most wonderful time of the year! I just can't help myself. 

I had planned on getting Abby a little Ikea play kitchen this year and making it super cute and fancy; however, after going to Ikea on Monday with my parents I decided it'd be better for her when she's just a little bit older. I think it's going to make a perfect 2nd birthday gift.

I knew my sister had bought a bunch of craft supplies for Abby so instead of a kitchen, I decided to pick up a little table and chairs set. It should be the perfect place to draw and create. Here it is set up on Christmas Eve. 

Talk about boring, right?! We really didn't mean for it to work out that way. It's a good thing we have a few years to practice before she starts asking about Santa. I also picked up a little gray, stuffed kitty for her and we got her two new board books. I love the BabyLit series and Abby's newest book is a "fashion primer" based on Anna Karenina. It might be my favorite one.

This morning, she cozied up to the table right away.

Nana got her a little purse that had a white kitty inside.

Abby LOVES her kitties!

She had some Christmas morning cuddles with Daddy.

And then was a big mooch with his cinnamon roll.


Then she did a little cookie baking with mommy. How adorable are these matching aprons my mom gave us?

 Yep I know, sugar cookie dough probably isn't the best thing for her to be eating...

Grandma Z gave us all of these fun cookie cutters earlier this month.

And in a nod to my best friend Marci and her family, Abby got a little dot of flour on her nose. Abby thought it was great fun.

Merry Christmas, family and friends! Love -- Robert, Bobbie & Abby

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Robert, Abby & I attended a 4:00 Christmas Eve service at our church tonight. Candlelight hymn singing is not quite as magical at 4:00 when the sun is still out, but once she's older we can start going to later services. 

How pretty is our little Christmas girl?

Oof! Always trying to get away!

Daddy is the best.

We really need to work on Abby's open mouth kisses.

We love you so much, sweet little girl!

Christmas with Nana & Papa

My parents drove up to Bethany's today on Christmas Eve, so Abby opened her Christmas gifts from Nana & Papa on the 23rd. My mom bought Abby some really cute books, including one about learning to use the potty. Robert and I definitely look forward to that day!

Abby enjoyed reading Do Cows Meow? with Nana.

 I love these sweet pictures!

 Here she is opening a box full of cute clothes.

Papa joined in for a reading of That's Not My Reindeer.

They also bought Abigail a box of musical instruments. So much fun!

Thanks, Nana & Papa!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Abby's 1st Visit to the Zoo

Nana & Papa flew into Tampa on the 21st. We're so glad to have them here! I played a concert on the 22nd and on the 23rd we took Abby to the zoo for the very first time. She didn't take her morning nap and it was a pretty warm day (85 degrees!) so she was not her usually smiley self. Still, she really enjoyed seeing the big cats and the giraffes. 

This monkey put on quite a show for us.

Abby wasn't sure what to think of the carousel.

Giraffes! I love this picture with my mom.

Little baby elephant.

An Okapi. Apparently it wants to be part zebra? Interesting animal!

Abby went to the petting zoo for the first time and pet the goats.

My parents ended up buying us a yearlong pass to the zoo, so we look forward to returning again soon! Thanks Nana and Papa!