Thursday, November 29, 2012

Florida flamingos

I have loved flamingos since I was a little girl and moving to Florida only encouraged the interest. We put up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving and Robert commented on how many flamingo ornaments I have. I love them! Someday soon I'd like to get a bigger Christmas tree and turn our current little one into a flamingo tree. I'm envisioning pink lights, pink tinsel, and my bevy of birds. :) Actually...a group of flamingos is usually referred to as a flock. Or a colony, regiment, flurry, or flamboyance. (I just looked that up.) Ha! A flamboyance of flamingos.

All of this to say, I haven't been able to resist the flamingo onesies:

Robert's parents left for a short trip to Key West early this morning. Abigail is a little over 6 weeks old now and  -- I don't know how this is true -- I'm pretty sure this is the first full day it's been just the two of us at home together. We had a good morning with several sweet mommy/daughter moments and she is currently napping.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

"THE GAME" (i.e. Ohio State v. Michigan)

Go Ohio State! Beat M*ch*g@n! Poor baby girl, she has no say in getting all decked out in scarlet & gray. We love these little leg warmers. They're another hand-me-down from Amy Jo and they are perfect for these chilly Florida's actually been in the '40s overnight. We keep telling her that someday we'll live in a place where she can build a snowman. The Zajkowskis need seasons!

(PS - the frames in the background are the Italy pictures I mentioned in a previous post.)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Grandma & Grandpa Zajkowski were here for Abigail's first Thanksgiving. We had a fun day that began with watching the National Dog Show on TV. We're still trying to figure out the (crappy) oven in this house, and the top of the turkey ended up being blackened...aka, burned. :) It may not have looked pretty, but it tasted delicious! We also had Grandma Z's homemade rolls, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, roasted root veggies, Marci's cranberry orange relish, pumpkin pie, and of course the classic Cameron holiday staple: "Good Potatoes." Yum!

Abby loves to read

Abigail has started focusing on contrasting colors and faces more. It's really fun to watch! One of her favorite things to stare at is a set of 3 pictures I took in Italy: flowers from Cinque Terre, the Duomo in Milan, and gondolas in Venice. The pictures have thick black frames and white mats, so the contrast really stands out on the white wall. Whenever Abby stares at these photos, I tell her about the trip we will take together to Italy someday...the amazing art we will see, the incredible cathedrals we will visit, and all of the delicious food and wine we will eat and drink. :) 

She also loves this book that Grandma & Grandpa Earley gave to her. We hope this little girl loves reading as much as we do!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

1 month old!

Abigail is 1 month old! She was a great sport and had fun posing for the camera.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday football

Here's how Abigail & her daddy like watching football games on Saturday. She's getting adorable chubby legs and a bit of a double chin!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Growing Girl

This blog is not meant to be completely about Abigail, but right now that's pretty much the way life is. Which we love! :) Here's a picture of Abby's crib with all of the newborn clothes she has already outgrown. Most of these outfits she never even sad. We're very grateful to have inherited a HUGE tub of hand-me-downs from my sister. I think I counted about 80 onesies or outfits in this pile of clothing. Our little girl is growing up!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let's play!

Our former horn teacher, Amy Jo, sent us a big box of baby stuff including this fun activity play mat. Abigail is probably still a little young for it, but I pulled it out today and she had fun 'talking' to the monkey for about 5 minutes. She's starting to coo and make fun baby noises. She also appears to be focusing on things more. Sweet girl!